Friday, February 26, 2010

Spinoasa 2009, best flying day

longer version of this video available here:
zbor cu parapanta la Spinoasa, Iasi septembrie 2009

September 2009, wind NNE 25 km/h, sunny, weak but large thermals. Many pilots have rushed to Spinoasa since the conditions were so promising for flying. Among them there were: Cali, Antonela, Catalin, Andrei, Ionut, Forest, Iulia, Stefan and me.
After soaring the ridge for almost 3 hours and one thermal lost in a corn field, I've caught a nice one and started a beautiful 25 km long fly :)


silviu said...

Salut. Am zburat in tandem cu Ciprian de pe dealurile din Popricani anul trecut. Te rog daca poti sa-mi dai nr lui de telefon sau un id de messenger ca am fi un grup de 3 persoane care am vrea sa zburam ori pe altcineva care ar fi dispus sa zboare cu noi in tandem contra cost bineinteles. Te rog sa ma contactezi la id de mess sau telefon 0752887209. Multumesc