This fly was made last year during spring rough conditions with variable wind reaching 45 km/h sometimes and very turbulent. Due to this reasons I was preparing for landing but a new wind gust caught me right before stepping on the ground. It is not recommended to anyone flying in these strong conditions and I'm very thankful to my Nova Rookie wing, a very stable DHV 1-2 class glider.
First ridge fly at Spinoasa for our beginner pilot "Chiru".
One week later another fly at Spinoasa, we are already in March but winter came back. Snow, -3 Celsius, chilly wind, however Spinoasa is still a good flying place: 2 hours of flying at 40-50 m above hill top with 2-3m/s thermals and 140m maximum altitude.
We have a small hill (60 meters high) for WSW-SW wind which is located at Schitu Duca village in Iasi county. This was the first fly at that place for 2010; a short thermodynamic fly in late February.